StraightUp Internet

People think there’s always a catch with internet deals. But StraightUp Internet really is just $50 bucks for everything. To get the message out, we created the Know what you’re getting into campaign. Using quirky scenarios and eye-catching visuals, we showed why you should always know what to expect before you commit.

YouTube Preroll 

StraightUp Internet "Cat" from Tara Remiasz on Vimeo.

StraightUp Internet "Pepper" from Tara Remiasz on Vimeo.

StraightUp Internet "Contest" from Tara Remiasz on Vimeo.

Spotify Radio Ads

On Spotify, I translated the idea of "Know what you're getting into," by opening the ads with music the listener wouldn't expect to hear. For example, the first ad plays country music on a hip hop station. The second ad opens with death metal on a pop station.

YouTube Preroll
RTB Spots

Beyond the hero spots, I wrote 15- and 6-second preroll videos that hit hard on specific benefits of the product.

Agency - FCB Chicago
SVP, Executive Creative Director - Avital Pinchevsky
Creative Director - Derah Gordon
ACD/Art Director - Rebecca Kotoske
ACD/Art Director - Justin Enderstein
Sr. Copywriter - Tara Remiasz

Chicago, IL